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Saturday, January 14, 2017

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A Ritual Where Their Deads are Raised From Their Graves- Indonesia

Most of us,when our love ones die, they are laid to rest forever.But in Indonesia the dead gets many chances to see their families again

Ma'nene-its a ritual where the corpses get cleaned-families raises their dead relatives from their graves,dress them in new clothes,fix their hair and repair their coffins. They they walk the dead around the province so they can observe the living.Reports say that the Ma'nene ritual is more important than marriage and birth in Toraja culture.

Deceased loved ones are walked in straight lines around the region.

Maybe for us we find this practice so disrespectful and even unsanitary. But there’s something solemnly beautiful about families that continue to care for those they love even after their deaths.

A man brushes the hair of a dead relative, perhaps his mother or grandmother.

What you guys can say something about this?

source [Ryot]

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