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Sunday, August 10, 2014

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22 Year Old Hides Dead Infant Under Bed Hoping He Will Come Back To Life

22 Year Old Hides Dead Infant Under Bed Hoping He Will Come Back To Life. A heartless mother in New Bedford, Massachusetts gave birth to a baby boy, then put him in a box under the bed, hoping he would come back to life. Tamlyn Gonzalez, 22, said she gave birth to the infant boy and he got stuck in the birth canal. At the same time she said she saw the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around his neck. However, she did not admit to this when first questioned by police. Gonzalez lied several times to police and acted shocked and appalled that they found a dead baby under her porch.

It was after the dead baby began to leave a foul stench in the home, Gonzalez moved it outside under the staircase. It was when the grandmother complained of a foul stench, the box with the dead baby was found. She said she placed the baby she birthed alone at home in an old shoebox at first under her own bed and later under the staircase outside so that the baby could have “A chance to come back to life.” Apparently the 22-year-old baby killer his her pregnancy from everyone. It was confirmed that the baby did die from umbilical cord strangulation complications, but is undetermined whether the child may have survived if a doctor had been present.

Even though she did not physically kill the baby, it is her fault the baby died by not having a doctor present or having prenatal care. Even if the baby did survive, who knows what somebody in her mental condition would have done to that child. Obviously she was not excited about his arrival, as she hid the baby her entire pregnancy. Gonzalez has been officially taken into custody. She was put on probation monitoring, ordered to take prescription medications and mental health counseling. She was then released to an adult probation supervisor for continued checkups. Gonzalez faces 10 years in prison.

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