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Sunday, August 10, 2014


Donate a Testicle The payout for this is $35,000

Donate a Testicle The payout for this is $35,000. Need some EXTRA CASH? If you want to help the science community and line your pockets with a little bit of money there are some unconventional ways to do this by selling your body to science. Below is a list we found of the 5 most creative ways to make money by selling your body

1. Sell your blood plasma. The payout $20-$50 per donation

Plasma is a clear liquid that contains mostly water but is also filled with enzymes, proteins and antibodies. It is the largest component in the human blood. Plasma is mainly used to create therapies that treat people with autoimmune diseases, burn victims and clotting disorders. When blood is being drawn an automated machine separates the plasma from the other blood components which is then returned to the donor. You can receive a payout between $20-$50 per donation.

2. Donate your reproductive cells. The payout for eggs is $5,000-$10,000 per donation. The payout for sperm is $30-$200 per donation.

Egg donation allows women whose ovaries do not produce healthy eggs to become pregnant using another woman’s eggs. In the United States egg donors can receive anywhere from $5000-$10,000 per donation. Men can donate their sperm with a much easier process and also a bit less lucrative than an egg donation. Men are paid anywhere from $30-$200 per donation. However that can add up to more in the pocket because men can donate hundreds of sperm samples.

3. Lay in bed for 70 days straight. The payoff for this one is $18,000

NASA uses this procedure to simulate some of the changes that occur in an astronaut’s body when going through space, weightless, during the flight. NASA will pay you to stay in bed for 70 days, 24 hours a day. You need to make sure you’re mentally prepared to spend 70 days in bed. Not everybody is comfortable with that. Not everybody can tolerate an extended time in bed. But remember the payout for this one….. $18,000!

4. Donate a Testicle. The payout for this is $35,000

On a episode of “Extreme Cheapskates “a Las Vegas man figured out a way to make some money by signing up for medical trials. He saved himself more than $750. That inspired him to take it one step further. Most recently he also agreed to donate one of his testicles. But they didn’t just leave him hanging. They replaced it with an artificial one and paid him $35,000. It was reported that he used the money to purchase a Nissan 370 Z.

5. Enroll in psychological studies. The payout varies per program

Paid psychological studies that examine behavior of brain function may not generate as high of a return as other trials, but they’re usually lower risk and require shorter commitment time. Most research universities offer easy sign up by keeping an online database of studies available for people

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